
Household Safety

Household Safety

There are a lot of issues that people neglect in household safety. Some people forget to stock first aid kits, or don't replace them as they get used up. Other people don't get CPR training, don't maintain their houses and check for mold, or don't make sure their home security is adequate. In my opinion, however, fire alarms are the most neglected area of household safety. I would say that a small minority of homes actually have a working fire alarm, and almost none of them have fire extinguishers. People assume the smoke detector in the ceiling is going to help them out in an emergency, but many of them have been sitting there for years without the battery or the radioactive element ever being checked or changed.

People don't understand that fire alarms need to be checked out every now and then as part of household safety checklist. It consistently amazes me how the smallest details of household maintenance are routinely ignored by the average American. A fire extinguisher is important, but a functional fire alarm is much more likely to save lives. It is well known that most fire fatalities occur from inadequate planning and inadequate warning. If a fire starts in the middle of the night, having functioning fire alarms is basically your only chance of survival.

Of course, even when the fire alarms work, few of them are updated to current standards. Fire detector technology, you see, has come a long way in the past 20 years. Back in the days, your average smoke detector did just that – detect smoke. If it picked up the scent, it would issue a series of loud beeps, letting you know that something was wrong in your house. Nowadays, however, fire alarms have become much more sophisticated. Many of the newer ones can detect fires even before a significant amount of smoke has come out. There are even combined fire alarm security systems that will contact the police, fire department, and first aid medics if a detector goes off. I can't overstate how important upgrading to these fire alarms is.

First of all, smoke inhalation can incapacitate you. This means that even if your fire alarm is going off, you might not be able to move. A fire detector that automatically notifies the fire department is obviously superior for this reason. Besides that, these combined systems also keep you safe in case you are the victim of a crime. All in all, you can't lose! 

Keep your household safety checklist updated in line with new technology.